05 March 2011

Random Good Feeling...

Time/Date: 2235 CST, 04-Mar-11
Location: Estado de Guerrero, Mexico

...or two. Or three.

Good feeling #1: I have decided to forego this whole job title bullshit that seems to seep out of the pores of every company.

Hey, I know, I was a part of it before, too. Not this time.

I had to create my email signature and, in seven seconds flat (minus the time spent on Google Translate), wrote the following:

Mat Trevors
Oficina Logistica y Operaciones

Translation: Office of Logistics & Operations. Think anyone will have trouble figuring out what I do? Didn't think so.

Good feeling #2: right after that, I managed to write an email of one sentence in Spanish, with proper grammar and punctuation. It took me 8 minutes, not counting the time spent searching for Spanish punctuation keyboard shortcuts. For reference, this post hast taken 4 minutes so far, one-finger tapping on my iPod. Efficiency rules.

Good feeling #3: talked some fly fishing (what else is new?) with a consultant onsite from Wyoming and mentioned my spur of the moment, barely-planned but very fun & worth-every-second-and-penny trip for redfish last November.

He thought the spur of the moment aspect was pretty cool and said, "F**k it, I'm going to start doing that. Book the ticket and go."

I thought that was kinda cool.
Bedtime reading of a hopeless case
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPod

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