16 February 2012

Housekeeping + tunes

I (semi-unintentionally) changed the domain name of this site from 411number3.net to mattrevors.com this morning.

This was something I was considering doing in the near-future, to help tie in my twitter handle (@mattrevors) and my fairly-new tumblr page for Instagram/Lightbox pics (mattrevors.tumblr.com).

Unfortunately, the hamsters that spin internal wheels at Google/Blogger, the Secret Society of the Stonecutters and whoever else might hold the puppet strings of fate had other things in mind, as the change occurred instantaneously.

This means every single link to posts I've made over the past year & some are now broken. I did manage to dive deep into the machine and create an URL redirect, but unfortunately anything will move on to the home/top page. I'm not overly computer-savvy beyond that, so...yeah.

However...if you happen to have a link with the 411number3.net domain (e.g., http://www.411number3.net/2012/01/back-to-school.html ) all that is required to get to the post you're looking for is change the 411number3.net to mattrevors.com (e.g., http://www.mattrevors.com/2012/01/back-to-school.html ). The rest of the URL remains the same.

As for you RSS subscribers (which there are surprisingly quite a few of you...thanks!), I think...THINK...I have things all straightened away. I'll confirm that tomorrow morning for sure; if it's all fubar'd, I'll go back to the drawing board. It's a big drawing board (see lack of computer-savviness above) so I'm hoping it's all straightened out.

For those of you not subscribed yet, you can still do that via email & RSS on the upper right of the page, in the sidebar.

I'm pretty sure this is messing up me far worse than it is you, loyal readers, but still, I write to be read. An unintended domain name change is a pretty good way for the reading part of that to not happen.

Here's that music I promised you. A tune that is more for my benefit than yours right now, I'm sure.

1 comment:

Mike Sepelak said...

The RSS is still hosed this morning, Mat. Ya gotta love these intertubes?